Gold plated cat

Back at the vets last night with the cat.  Now on injections to get her white blood cell count up.  Another AED 1000 on the credit card.  She is just shy of 12 grand in as many days.  Just hope she recovers.

Sat out with Trev last night on the decking we have now christened Doolali Tap after the famous town of Deolali In India and its connection with camp fever.  Hence the expression “he’s gone Doolali Tap”  Need to order a big sign to put up on the wall.  Couple of cheeky gin and juice.  Very civilised.

Need to take the Royal Enfield for registration this week to.  Insurance is done so just got to get it through the MOT.  That could be fun as they now have a rolling road to test the brakes.  It’s an Enfield! Drum brakes back and front.  Anyway always fun.


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